A clear way to manage and plan your cashflow

Cfo Main

Cash Flow Outlook

CFO empowers businesses with financial management tools to quickly and easily reconcile bank activity and understand their historical cash-flow activity and future cash requirements.
CFO solves a fundamental reporting constraint by bridging historical actual cash activity, combined with dynamically updated current activity and adjusted predictive cash flow forecasts.
CFO shows financial trends both backward and forward in time. You gain clear insights in an easy-to-understand format for non-accounting business users, not available via traditional accounting tools.
Historical / Actual
Cash Flow

CFO reports show historical transactions organized by the user's chart-of-accounts. Transactions and balances are reconciled daily for accurate financial positions across all financial institutions of each business.

Financial data is accessed securely via aggregation services with read-only permission granted by authorized users.

Predictive Cash Flow
Rolling Forecast

The financial forecasts use a combination of user-defined rules, together with variable rules and predictive calculations based on historical trends. We plan to add support for seasonality and external variables as well.

Multi-month and multi-year forecasts, with multiple versions, could be used to compare financial outcomes of various scenarios.

User preferences

Financial data is presented based on the user's preferences

  • Configure Financial Institution Accounts
  • Configure User-Defined Chart of Accounts
  • Format (Excel, Google Sheets, Web/Mobile, Desktop)
  • Visual Templates and Charting Options
  • Report Granularity (by Day, Week, Month, Qtr, Year)
  • Inter Company or other groupings
User preferences

Transactions can be automatically classified with user-defined & machine-learning rules

CFO system learns transaction classification rules from past data and can automatically update your financials and forecasts.

Cfo rules engine
Financial data aggregation

Approximately 15,000 Financial Institutions, via aggregation services

Add financial account